by oscar | Dec 13, 2021 | Carretera, Ciudad, Edificación e Industria
MetaEngineering Meta Engineering to promote new LED lightning in coastal tunnels on Barcelona’s ring roads 10 December 2021 Meta Engineering has recently been awarded the project to provide Technical Assistance for Site Management to Supply and Install LED...
by oscar | Dec 3, 2021 | Carretera, Ciudad, Edificación e Industria
MetaEngineering Grupo Meta Engineering is awarded four infrastructure development contracts in Guatemala 03 December 2021 Grupo Meta Engineering has been awarded several infrastructure development contracts in Guatemala, which will represent a significant step forward...
by admin | Oct 15, 2020 | Carretera
MetaEngineering Vallirana’s road variant in the B-24 highway wins the “Best Infrastructure 2019 Barcelona” prize. Barcelona, October 14th 2020 Throughout the celebration of the 4th edition of “Infrastructure night”, organized by the Advisory Council on Infrastructure...
by admin | Aug 5, 2019 | Carretera
MetaEngineering Feasibility Study of the Tren Electrico Limonense de carga Award of Tren Electrico Limonense de Carga’s study on technical, economic-financial and environmental feasibility study. Meta and its subsidiary Audingmex are honored to be able to participate...
by admin | Feb 17, 2017 | Carretera
MetaEngineering META will develop the Feasibility Study of: AUTOVÍA ORBITAL DE BARCELONA B-40. Stretch: TERRASSA – GRANOLLERS for the Ministry of Fomento, in 24 months. Barcelona, February 17th, 2017. The objective of the Feasibility study is to define the most...
by admin | Jan 8, 2015 | Carretera
MetaEngineering Roundabout emergency work in Santa Coloma de Cervelló Meta Engineering participates in road emergency works During the months of November and December 2014, Meta Engineering has carried out Technical Assistance to the Construction Management of the...